FT Picks: The Worst Dressed Men of 2016

2016 was a strong year for men’s fashion. We had Zayn Malik shaking things up, David Beckham consistently knocking it out of the park and Eddie Redmayne showing us that you don’t have to be typically masculine to look sharp as hell.

But, it was also a year of some pretty horrendous sartorial decisions.

Let us begin…

The Worst Dressed Men 2016

Worst Dressed Men 2016 #5: Chris Evans pjimage-2

No, not Captain America (he’s always pretty well turned out), the other Chris Evans. The Radio 2 DJ, One Show host, failed Top Gear presenter and former Mr Billie Piper. That Chris Evans. There’s almost no words for how poorly he dresses. It’s almost as if he’s taken a look at every male celebrity in the UK and decided that Jeremy Clarkson and James May represent the pinnacle of fashion. I mean, look at that ill-fitting jacket. That linen hat. Those shirts. What was he thinking?

Worst Dressed Men 2016 #4: Paul Hollywood


Was there ever any doubt that Paul Hollywood would be on this list? Easily one of the worst dressed men in Britain, Paul Hollywood has that unfortunate combination of an eminently punchable face, terrible dress sense and an annoying sense of self-importance. His worst crime, however? Those sunglasses. Remember when Oakley sunglasses were fashionable? Us neither.

Worst Dressed Men 2016 #3: Leonardo Di Caprio


It pains us to include Leo on this list. The man is a legend. But sometimes you have to accept hard truths – and one of these hard truths is that Leo dresses terribly. Now, we’re all for his rejection of Hollywood sculpted abs and his spearheading of the ‘dadbod’ movement – but there’s a difference between dad bod and dad fashion. Unfortunately, Leo is a perfect example of both.

Sure, he looks sharp as hell in a suit and is trying to stop the planet from turning into an inhospitable wasteland, but his choice of every day clothes? We’ll let you judge for yourself…

Worst Dressed Men 2016 #2: Chris Brown


Chris Brown hasn’t just beaten Paul Hollywood to the number 2 spot on this list, but he’s pipped him to the post for ‘Most Annoying Person’ and ‘Most Punchable Face’ too. Much worse than his personality and general fashion sense though is that fact that he’s felt the need to inflict it on members of the public by launching an overpriced fashion line called Black Pyramid. Not only can customers pay through the nose to look as terrible as Chris Brown, but they can also be treated to great levels of customer service by the man himself. When confronted by news that fans were complaining about the exorbitant costs of his clothes, he replied: ‘TASTE THIS FART I BEEN HOLDING IN ON THIS PLANE TO PARIS.’

What a man.

Worst Dressed Men 2016 #1: Donald J Trump


Time Magazine Man of the Year, President Elect of The United States of America and Frederick Thomas’ Worst Dressed Man of 2016 – what a year Donald Trump has had.

Now, let’s be clear. Donald J Trump (he loves that middle initial) isn’t the worst offender for fashion mistakes this year – he hasn’t been outlandish or worn anything truly outrageous. What he has done, however, is managed to look terrible in (what we presume to be) very expensive suits. With that much money, you’re telling me he couldn’t afford a stylist or even a tie bar? (In case you didn’t know, The Donald likes to use cellotape to hold his tie together.)

His suits are way too big, his ties are – fittingly - brash, without nuance and repugnant. And his hair? Let’s not even get started on that.

What’s even worse (aside from his objectionable actions, beliefs and ideology) is that he’s following on from Obama, hands down the coolest leader President ever.

Did we miss somebody? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter (@FredThomasTies).