Tying the knot: the only 3 wedding ties you'll need to get ready for wedding season
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We’ve put together a quick guide to the only 3 wedding ties you’ll ever need. (And we’ve included wedding ties for every occasion, from your sister’s bohemian wedding in a stable full of hay bales, to your cousin’s fairy-tale, Disney princess wedding.)
Wedding #1: The Traditional Wedding
We know, the term traditional wedding is a little broad, so let’s be clear: these weddings usually take place at a church and then head back to a manor house (or somewhere similar) for the reception. Fairy-tale weddings, Disney-inspired weddings or the kind of thing you usually see on Don’t Tell The Bride fall into this category too. What wedding tie to wear?
Wedding #2: The Relaxed Wedding
OK, here’s where things get a bit trickier. The relaxed wedding is different to the Very Relaxed Wedding (see below). The Relaxed Wedding usually takes place at a fancy registry office or local church, followed by a reception at a country pub. It is formal, followed by relaxed – and that’s super tricky to dress for. What wedding tie to wear? A Relaxed Wedding is a little closer to the Traditional Wedding than it is the Very Relaxed Wedding in terms of formality, so think of something formal that’s not going to look out of place at 1am after you’ve opened your top button and had a few drinks.
Wedding #3: The Very Relaxed Wedding
This is the type of wedding we referred to earlier – the type of wedding that takes place in a barn or a stable or in a forest. They’re becoming more and more popular, so make sure you’ve got a wedding tie ready (just in case you become an emergency +1). What wedding tie to wear? It’s still a wedding, so you’ve got to be wedding-ish, but not too wedding-ish. Easy, right? Speaking from experience, you can’t go wrong with a knitted tie at a VRW. They’re still formal, but they’ve also got that relaxed vibe and rugged texture that’s just right for spending the day in a dusty field.